I’ve worked tirelessly for seven years straight with muscle, hustle, sweat and spirit to serve the greater good of women on the path of motherhood (including myself!).  I dreamed of opening a warm and welcoming sanctuary of empathy and empowerment for women, like me, who’ve struggled through the often lonely and heart-wrenching/body-wrangling/mind-bending experience of TTC with infertility.  I saw myself in front of a camera, delivering my brand of rigorous and research-based strength training for labor, birth and postpartum recovery. My vision was clear; my mission was strong; my biz baby was ready to hatch. So, I gathered a team of people who understood what I needed to build to help me produce and deliver the highest quality prenatal fitness video content to your fingertips – on demand!

There were just a few questions that I had a really hard time reconciling: what kind of time, space and equipment would I ask my members to secure to get all the benefit of and bang for the buck with their BodyWiseMama membership?

How could I call this an inclusive community if I was potentially excluding women who didn’t have the resources on hand or readily available at home to join me?  I seriously grappled with this (just ask my husband, colleagues and clients)!

What I eventually decided was this: I’d RECOMMEND just a couple of key items to collect on your journey to BUILD YOUR OWN (BYO) personal home studio for those precious BodyWiseMama moments of safe, sweaty and satisfying self-care.  After all, we’re in this for the long haul of motherhood – from bump to birth and beyond – right?  You can grow your collection of fitness equipment as you go.  You can also rock most of my online fitness classes with no more than a square (or two) of space, your body and your baby!  If you are ready and able to order just two pieces of equipment for more versatility (i.e. bigger range of movement/resistance/intensity), here are my personal recommendations in quick link form to order now:

1 Light-to-Medium Resistance Band*
*For a complete collection, order 4 bands ranging from very light to heavy.
2 Yoga Blocks

If you would like my recommendations tailored to your unique needs along the way, feel free to book a call with me here.  

In strength, sweat and spirit,