Ahhh, the elation, pride and joy of your first (or second or third) pregnancy!  From the excitement of sharing the good news with friends and family to the surreal moments of the feeling your baby grow and move, it may be one of the most mind blowing and magical experiences of your life.   Congratulations, mama!

(You’re waiting for a “but,” right?  Right on.)

The “but” is this: physical reality. 

Pelvic pressure.  Hypermobility.  Sciatica.  Intense fatigue.  Nausea.  Stretching.  Swelling.  Insomnia. Heartburn.  What else?  C’mon, now, feel free to comment below: sharing is caring, and venting is healthy!

A lot of these exceptions to the joys of pregnancy are common.  They are, however, YOUR experience.  No matter how much we understand that we’re not alone and empathy abounds, the physical transformation of pregnancy may no doubt feel like a lonely, isolating and overwhelming experience.  Own it, lady.  Yes, connect with your pain.  And then, take charge of it.  Help yourself to keep moving, because you can.

I practiced dance/movement therapy for 3 years prior to bridging the world of psycho-therapeutic and functional exercise as a prenatal and postpartum fitness coach.  Although I worked primarily with older adults with dementia during those years as a DMT, my education and experience created the very foundation of supporting mothers during the ever evolving transitions between preconception to post-pregnancy.  Both populations required me AND my clients to constantly reassess, reorient to and reaffirm the reality of the present moment, sometimes multiple times within a session.  The long and short of why I’m explaining all of this is that I have seen the mind-body connection sparking in real time with real people during raw moments.  The smallest shifts towards more body awareness, acceptance and affirmation can be POWERFUL.  Movement is medicine.

So, back to this idea of “taking charge” once you own how you feel right now.  

It looks like movement.  I feels like empowerment.  It sounds like a sigh of relief.

The prenatal workouts I’ve created for the BodyWiseMama community are always steeped in my method of moving you through an empowering and relieving experience through functional strength training.  And you can trust that every session is designed to safely prepare your body and mind for labor as well as effectively build resiliency for your postpartum recovery.  After you try your first class with me, let me know how you’re feeling and if you have any questions or concerns.  I’m here for you!

P.S. Check out the most up-to-date guidelines for exercise during pregnancy from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

With love, light and strength,


This post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.