It’s a very special edition of the BodyWiseMama Blog!
I’m thrilled to publish this premier of a 4-part series in which I’ve curated expert guidance, recommendations and resources for optimal holistic fitness at every stage of pregnancy: 1) Fertility/TTC, 2) Pregnancy, 3) Labor & Birth, and, 4) Postpartum Recovery. It must be stated that I wholeheartedly endorse the pros who have contributed their unique experience, expertise and empowered approach to prenatal and postpartum wellness. I’m humbled by and grateful for their generosity of spirit and invaluable insights.
This first part focuses on gearing up for fertility – tried and true practices, services and products that support you feeling your best in body, mind and spirit while trying to conceive (TTC).
All the products, services and practices below are not intended to be one-size-fits-all prescriptions. They are, however, the most frequently recommended by real deal experts in their respective fields – from Western to Eastern Medicine, exercise to essential oils, and whole foods to homeopathy. This guide to gearing up for fertility includes five powerful practices for holistic fitness:
- Strength + Stamina
- Nutrition + Energy
- Bodywork + Relaxation
- Acupuncture + Restoration
- Essential Oils + Spiritual Elevation
Source: Kate Jesuele, MA, CPT, R-DMT, Certified Pre/Postnatal Fitness Instructor & Health Coach, Founder of BodyWiseMama
Email: / Social: @bodywisemama
“When I coach clients for ‘fertility fitness,” what I’m really thinking about is ‘endocrine exercise.’ More specifically: strength and conditioning for humming, happy and harmonious hormones! When you’re trying to conceive (TTC), the way you exercise can often help or hinder your body’s readiness for pregnancy. Current research informs us now that there are several fertility factors that are both effect and are affected by our hormones:
- Healthy Weight & Body Composition
- Regular Menstrual Cycles
- Reduced Stress
- Quality Sleep Patterns
If you are currently ovulating and timing intercourse for conception, here are my tried and true guidelines for preconception workouts that will help you: a) maintain a healthy weight, b) increase lean muscle mass, c) preserve consistency in your cycle, d) release excess energy or stress, and, e) gain more restorative sleep. As a member of BodyWiseMama, you’ve got on demand access to a 35-minute workout that meets all of these guidelines awaiting you in the virtual studio. Join me there now!
If you are TTC with the assistance of hormone intake or injections, IUI or IVF, please always keep your fertility specialist in the loop about the types of exercise you are conditioned for doing (i.e. your body has adapted over the course of consistent training for at least a year) to receive appropriate instructions for reducing intensity, duration, frequency and volume. From personal experience, here are some general recommendations:
Exercising for Medically-Assisted Conception (including IUI and IVF):
- Spend most of the workout in “warmup mode” (50-60% your max rate of perceived exertion).
- Avoid twisting, deep crunching or overstretching of your abs.
- Decrease your typical load for strength training by at least 5-10 lbs. and keep your core stable and supported for all lifting.
- Choose “slow and steady” as your mantra during cardio-based workouts, like running, rowing or spinning; aim to pass the “talk test” throughout.
- LISTEN closely to your body’s signals for strain in muscles surrounding your pelvis and STOP doing whatever you were doing to cause the strain; take a few moments to let the muscles relax and then choose something else.
For those who are opting to work out from home throughout the TTC journey, here’s how to “BYO” (build your own) studio with as little as a resistance band and a yoga block.
Getting outside and into nature for workouts while TTC can be amazingly refreshing, invigorating and healing. Even just making it a point to go for a walk through your favorite park once a week is beneficial. I highly recommend seeking out a studio that offers class options like prenatal yoga, gentle Vinyasa, “slow flow” or belly dance at this stage of your pregnancy journey. These types of movement have an inherent femininity and sensuality that feel so aligned with the intent of conceiving.”
Would you like to receive tailor-made recommendations for how to use exercise to support your intentions to conceive? Schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation HERE.

Source: Beth Auguste, MS, RD, CSOWM, Registered Dietitian + Nutritionist, Be Well with Beth
Contact: / Social: @bewellwithbeth
“The best diet for fertility is one that helps to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. In plain English, this means that you should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and healthy sources of omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna (once or twice a week is fine — chunk lite is lower in mercury), walnuts, ground flax seed, hemp seed, free range organic eggs or grass fed meats. It is important to remember that an anti-inflammatory diet also means that you should stop eating foods that cause inflammation. In some cases, these foods will be the same for everyone, for example, it is good for everyone who is trying to get pregnant to avoid a diet high in overly processed foods. However, other foods can be trickier to determine. If you know that a certain food creates abdominal discomfort or skin irritation, then that food is creating inflammation inside your body and should be avoided while trying to conceive. [Preconception] is, however, not the time to try an intermittent fasting diet or any other diet that requires severe calorie restriction. You want your body to be in ‘building mode.’
There is also a large amount of evidence pointing to the benefit of full fat dairy in fertility. Now is the time to eat 2% or higher yogurts, milks and cheeses. Aim for 5-6 servings per week. Another great resource [I recommend] for fertility nutrition is The Fertility Diet.”

Source: Carrie Sarlo-Randazzi, RYT, LMT, Founder of HoliMomma
Email: / Social: @holimomma_nj
“I recommend diaphragm breathing to everyone but especially for women preparing for conception. Making the decision to become a parent can be wonderful but also very stressful. Our thoughts can go in many directions. Is my body capable to carry a baby? Can we financially afford having a family? Will I be a good parent? And so on… Practicing diaphragm breathing is an excellent place to begin with understanding the ability to shift our response to stress. It also allows us to create deeper awareness within our own mind-body connection.
In addition to calming the nervous system, diaphragm breathing is wonderful for the health of our organs and pelvic floor. The movement of the diaphragm helps to maintain circulation around our organs with the flow of blood, lymph, energy and nerve connection to the brain. In regard to the health of our connective tissue and muscular structure, the downward movement of the diaphragm as we inhale, gently presses on the pelvic floor, working as an internal massage to relax pelvic floor muscles. As we exhale, the diaphragm moves upward, giving a subtle contraction to the pelvic floor. This movement allows the pelvic floor muscles to relax and contract – essential for pelvic health.”
For more on Carrie’s insights on how Diaphragm Breathing can help you on your TTC journey, click HERE.

Source: Caroline Grace Ashurst, M.Ac., Dipl.Ac., Founder of Restorative Harmony Acupuncture
Email: / Social: @restorativeharmony
“For you ladies who are trying to conceive, finding out if you are ovulating is the first, most empowered step you can take in your process. There are ancient ways womxn throughout the ages used to elucidate what part of the cycle their body was in and when they were ovulating. These are very sacred practices of self-awareness and love that are actually very simple, easy, and enlightening for you to reclaim! I highly recommend beginning to see what your cycle is doing as soon as the idea of having a baby comes into your awareness. This tool is a process of seeing patterns, so it takes a few months to get a clear view on what’s happening. There are a few ways you can do it (or you can use all three so you can be a powerhouse maven with your cycle!), and I offer a free guide on my website for you to use so you can begin to acquaint yourself. There are also some great apps and devices that alot of women are using to help them; I briefly talk about that in my free guide.
The second step in your process of a more conscious/conscientious conception approach is looking at what you’re eating. Nothing is better than a whole body/environmental detox/purification. Our livers are so inundated with just our normal day-to-day exposures to toxins, alcohol, chemicals, you name it! We live in a world surrounded by pollutants, including the ones in our food. Elimination diets are fabulous for de-stressing your liver and freeing up your body to have to over-process so it can focus all your energy on conception!
Going hand in hand with an elimination diet is integrating organic whole foods into your life. Nothing is going to give you the kind of nutrient density that helps create life like foods that are packed with easy-to-assimilate nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Eliminating certain foods and increasing lots of whole foods will help rebalance your body and create a cozy environment to conceive in. A great starting point would be to use the Environmental Working Group’s Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists to help you start selecting produce that is as low-toxin as possible.
As an Acupuncturist and Holistic Women’s Fertility Coach, I know how integral and powerful these two aspects can be in a womxn’s process to conceive. I also know how challenging it is as well! That’s why I crafted a special virtual coaching program online for womxn who are trying to conceive called The Fertility Trinity: Purify, AMPLIFY, and Transform Your Fertility in 45 Days.
In my guided 6-week coaching program, you will learn how to detox and purify your body, nourish and restore your body-mind-spirit, and learn how to get on the right track so you can trust your process and relax into your journey. By using ancient and modern holistic tools and techniques for your body, mind, and spirit, you will amplify your fertility and invigorate your body’s natural ability to conceive so you can feel calm, empowered, and grounded. The added mindset piece in my program is a special piece to support the ups and downs that sometimes come with this process.”
Caroline is offering FREE 30-minute consultations for her virtual coaching program, The Fertility Trinity to the BodyWiseMama community. Click HERE to schedule yours!

Source: Paige Chapman, Founder of Mama’s Wellness Joint
Contact: / Social: @paigelc
- Frankincense: The king of all oils! Frankincense is a fertility powerhouse and is great to regulate hormone imbalances.
- Clary Sage: CS is considered one of the best essential oils for fertility. It also helps to balance hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle. Also great for mood lifting and steadying yourself for the ups and downs of your fertility journey. Please note that Clary Sage is a uterine tonic and while great for pre-pregnancy, you would not want to use this one for the first two trimesters.
- Geranium: You may be deceived from the smell in the bottle – once this oil is on your skin it is heavenly! Not only is this another great fertility oil that balances your hormones, it’s great for cultivating an open heart and, later on, bonding with your baby and breastfeeding.