Join me in the challenge to commit to 20 MINUTES of strength training daily for 20 DAYS in a row to positively POWER UP 2020!


Here’s how to do it:

Shuffle around the following 3 prenatal/postpartum workouts (scroll down to view) however you want to for 20 days in a row.  You can stick to the same circuit for all 20 days if it moves you. I’ve designed all of the sequences with exercises that are generally safe and effective for every stage of pregnancy and postpartum recovery.  Modifications are offered where appropriate.  

Please take the proper precautions before jumping on board by getting medical clearance by your doctor or midwife if you haven’t done so already.  

Equipment-wise, you’ll need a couple sets of of light-to-moderate weight dumbbells and/or resistance bands plus two yoga blocks.  No equipment on hand? No worries! Just select the moves that don’t require dumbbells/bands and you can simply leave the blocks out of the equation.  

I want you to truly heed the wisdom of your body – listening to and trusting the signals it sends to you to push a little harder, slow down a bit, modify the workout in your own way or take a day off completely.  You’ll know what you need to do for yourself if you just keep practicing this #bodywisemama approach along the way. This is part of the process of preparing body and mind for labor, birth and new motherhood!



TIP #1

When doing upper body strength training with bands/dumbbells, if you are not in a squat or lunge position, sit slightly into a high squat position (push your butt back a bit and slightly bend your knees) to ensure that you are strong, stable and grounded.  Avoid overarching the low back/stretching your abs when lifting weights above the shoulders/overhead. 

TIP #2

Try to sync up your exertion (i.e. pushing or pulling weight) with your exhales and squeeze your booty ever so slightly when you exhale. Keep this in mind as you stand out of a squat or lunge: i.e. “push through the tush.”  This is especially helpful for core strength and stability in later stages of pregnancy and early stages of postpartum recovery.  Also, envision “hugging the baby” or “wrapping the abs” on every exhale (i.e. pelvic floor lifts and navel gets pulled back towards the spine).

TIP #3

Drink a few sips of water in between every set. 

TIP #4

PRENATAL ONLY: Make sure you can pass the “talk test” throughout your workouts.  One of my favorite ways to do that is to sing or hum along to music while exercising.  Keep in mind your heart is already working hard to pump more oxygen-rich blood to your growing baby.  Some huffing and puffing is healthy but you don’t want to lose your breath completely. Your warm-up might need to be longer and more gradual than you’re accustomed.  If you feel a little dizzy, overheated, pain around your pelvis or abdominal cramps, try slowing down, taking a breather or coming down to the floor on all fours before resuming, or take a complete break from working out that day.

TIP #5

PRENATAL + EARLY POSTPARTUM RECOVERY ONLY:  Roll to your side and use your arms to push yourself up through all fours versus sitting straight up when transitioning from lying on your back.  Take your time on these transitions.  




Choose a Circuit. Set a Timer. Pace Yourself. Feel the Burn.

Repeat circuit of choice as many times as possible in 20 minutes.


Walking or Reverse Lunges x 20 total

Lunge Hold (right leg) + Shoulder Press x 10 (light-moderate weight)

Lunge Pulses or Hops (right leg) x 10 (hops only if in 1st trimester or later stages of postpartum recovery)

Repeat last 2 moves on left leg.

Bird Dog + Knee to Elbow x 10

Bird Dog Hold x 5-10 breaths

Incline Push-ups (hands on yoga blocks) x 5-10 (modifiications: kneeling position in 1st/2nd trimesters; all fours position in 3rd/4th trimesters / if wrists are feeling very sore: use a band for an upright chest press or dumbbells for a reclined chest press)

Repeat last 3 moves on opposite side. 

OPTIONAL CORE FINISHER (not recommended for late 2nd/3rd trimesters/early postpartum recovery): Block Pass-off x 10-15 complete passes (feet to hands to feet)


Biceps Curls x 10-12 (moderate-heavy weight)

Bent-over Rows x 10-12 (moderate-heavy weight)

Front Raises x 10-12 (light-moderate weight)

Upright Reverse Fly x 10-12 (light-moderate weight / Modification: Bent-over Reverse Fly if using dumbbells)

Underhanded Lateral Raises x 10-12 (light-moderate weight)

Overhead Triceps Press x 10-12 (light-moderate weight)

Bear Crawl x 2-4 steps forward and backward x 20-40 steps total (Modification for late 2nd/3rd/early postpartum recovery: Hold the all fours position with knees lifted 2-6 inches above floor and practice diaphragmatic breathing for 5-10 breaths.)

OPTIONAL CORE FINISHER (not recommended for late 2nd/3rd/early postpartum recovery): Forearm Plank Toe Taps x 20 alternating sides 


Hydrant Leg Lift (right leg) x 10-15 (on all fours)

Curtsy Lunge (right leg in front) x 10-15

Repeat the last 2 moves on the left leg.

Split Squats (right leg front/left foot elevated on a yoga block) x 10-15 

Split Squats (left leg front/right foot elevated on a yoga block) x 10-15

Goddess Squat Reach + Rise x 10-15

Wide Legged Elevated Bridges (feet on yoga blocks) x 15

Table Top Triceps Dips (hands on yoga blocks) x 15 (If wrists are sore: use a light band/dumbbells for triceps kickbacks instead)

OPTIONAL CORE FINISHER (not recommended for late 2nd/3rd/early postpartum recovery): Dead Bug x 20-30 reps (alternating sides)

Let’s keep in touch as we go to raise the bar on accountability and community support!


How are you feeling after day 1, day 10, day 20?  Which exercises feel easy and which feel challenging?  Have you rocked any modifications that you can share with your fellow BodyWiseMamas?


Feel free to drop your comments right here or DM me on IG or FB @bodywisemama! #bodywisemama2020